Ok.. d pagi yg mulia ni, mse aku nk bukak mail aku then I’ve read sumtin dat I thought really exciting.. then aku bukak n bce.. hoh mmg isinye sungguh excited.. berikut adelah ape yg aku ase tramat2 exciting.. ok ini adelah beberape komen yg aku copy dr berita tu..
When people find out that neither my husband or myself are on Facebook, their jaws drop open. "YOU'RE NOT ON FACEBOOK!?!?!?", they exclaim. All I say is "Privacy is important, ya know."
2 years, no more facebook. Why, it makes you dumber. It makes you antisocial in the real world, the one where you can shake someone's hand and hold a baby. Where we going people? Anyone bother thinking about that in the midst of typing all this acroenglish? Kids are already losing the ability to verbally communicate. Open your eyes. You'll see it.
People that frequent or live on Facebook need to get a life. Who gives a #$%$ what your friends and neighbors are doing every waking minute. They need to get off their #$%$ and do something constructive.
facebook - turning more kids into lazy fat fuqs every day!!!
Then they are selling all of your personal information on top of that.
When are people going to wake up and relize that face book and the other social site areDANGEROUS and a detriment to our society.....
Agak2 la ape yg aku nk smpaikn kt sni?? Ok let me tell u.. perasan x mostly yg bg komen ni adalah MATSALEH bkn org kite? Kite ni punyala dok bgga ade FB bagai2.. tayang gmbr tunjuk sna tnjuk sni.. MATSALEH la konon.. ade fb ADVANCE la katenyeee.. now see, MATSALEH sndri pon dok kutok bgai.. hangpa plak dok angkut sanjung tggi.. pdhal OWNER FB tu sndri pon MATSALEH kn? Ptot bgga wat? ( seepatotnye laa klau bende ni btol2 bgi bnyk faedah.. tp in reality nyee mende ni mang USELESS ) so pikir2 kn lah wahai ank mude ( ini pesanan untuk aku sekali la.. beringat2 org kata..aku ni pon bukan bk sgt pon..tp nk ingt mengingati sesame sndr.. ), bnde2 gni bolayan sgt.. risau aku tgk org yg BERCINTA bgai nk rak dri FB.. katenye syg rndu cinta sepenuh hati.. tup2 jumpe HANCOR MARUAH diri.. ( siyezly ni happen.. yg c laki 2 mbe boyfie aku n aku sndr tgk dy dok kulu kilir bwak pompuan tu.. n kitowg pon pnh hang out sesame, so dri stu lah aku taw yg dorg knl dr FB..itulah yg 1st n last ktowg hang out sme.. boyfie aku xbg aku rpt ngn dorg.. n guess wat now she’s PREGNANT !! woah ! pantas ! pdhal xsmpai 2 bln pon dorg knl.. now u see wat happen kn? Sumenye dari FACEBOOK.... ) Mang org ckp klau mende2 gni, mne2, ble2 mse blh jd kn? Tp BERINGATLAH jgn mudah CAYEKAN org sgt.. walu setinggi mne pon JANJI dia, walau SETEGUH mane pon sygnye.. ( well ni bkn untuok FB je.. REALITI pon same je ) mnusia kt dunia ni bkn sorg n bkn sejenis je.. ade MACAM2 jenis, rgam, prangai n tgkah lakunye.. BEWARE la sebelom kena.. xrugi pape pon lau kite bersiap sedia.. ok lah thats all from me tok pg2 ni.. aku nk tdw dlu lah mta pon lip lap lip lap daa ni...
akhir sekali..
renung2kn dan selamat beramal.....
* copy ayat DR FAZILAH KAMSAH..ßi LOVE him so much..